GET api/pcount/iot/{contrato}/{circuit}/GetCircuitById
Retorna a lista de circuitos de um contrato
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
contrato |
Contrato |
string |
Required |
circuit | string |
None. |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of CircuitoDtoName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Machinekey | string |
None. |
MacAddress | string |
None. |
Ddns | string |
None. |
Endpoint | string |
None. |
DetectionStartTime | time interval |
None. |
DetectionEndTime | time interval |
None. |
ReconnectTime | integer |
None. |
EnableCompress | boolean |
None. |
CompressTime | integer |
None. |
CompressSecretKey | string |
None. |
CompressEnableSync | boolean |
None. |
CompressSyncTime | integer |
None. |
SecondFrameDelay | integer |
None. |
IsActive | boolean |
None. |
InstallationDate | date |
None. |
ActiveDate | date |
None. |
AnyDeskClientId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
AnyDeskClient | AnyDeskClientDto |
None. |
AnyDeskClientCid | integer |
None. |
FranquiaId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Franquia | FranquiaDto |
None. |
FranquiaNome | string |
None. |
ContratoId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Contrato | ContratoDto |
None. |
ContratoRazaoSocial | string |
None. |
BucketId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Bucket | BucketDto |
None. |
BucketName | string |
None. |
Pendencia | string |
None. |
ChamadosEmAberto | integer |
None. |
UpdateStatus | EnumCircuitoUpdateStatus |
None. |
DateLastStatus | date |
None. |
DateLastFaceDetection | date |
None. |
Descricao | string |
None. |
Ativo | integer |
None. |
Cnpj | string |
None. |
IdIntegracao | string |
None. |
RazaoSocialFabrica | string |
None. |
Fabrica | string |
None. |
Cameras | Collection of CameraDto |
None. |
Cofrinhos | Collection of CircuitoCofrinhoDto |
None. |
DataModificacao | date |
None. |
PermiteExclusao | boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "$id": "1", "id": "1eb92b58-6fb0-4ca2-bb25-5712a2d3ce97", "machinekey": "sample string 2", "macAddress": "sample string 3", "ddns": "sample string 4", "endpoint": "sample string 5", "detectionStartTime": "00:00:00.1234567", "detectionEndTime": "00:00:00.1234567", "reconnectTime": 8, "enableCompress": true, "compressTime": 10, "compressSecretKey": "sample string 11", "compressEnableSync": true, "compressSyncTime": 13, "secondFrameDelay": 14, "isActive": true, "installationDate": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "activeDate": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "anyDeskClientId": "0f8923a4-fd16-4e2e-99bb-dbc35c060339", "anyDeskClient": { "$id": "2", "id": "e81cfc06-d64d-47e2-9c0c-8007e13ce5a0", "alias": "sample string 2", "cid": 3, "clientVersion": "sample string 4", "comment": "sample string 5", "onLine": 6, "onLineTime": 7, "onLineTimeFormat": "0d 0h 0m 7s", "user_ref": "sample string 8", "isActive": 9, "qtdeCircuitos": 10, "lastUpdate": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00" }, "anyDeskClientCid": 1, "franquiaId": "30a0963e-0dc3-4eec-9b71-036cd370af5f", "franquia": { "$id": "3", "id": "b47bff76-0d9a-43cb-933a-44239173bedf", "descricao": "sample string 2", "cnpj": "sample string 3", "razaoSocial": "sample string 4", "nomeFantasia": "sample string 5", "fabrica": "sample string 6", "codLoja": "sample string 7", "dominio": "sample string 8", "localLoja": 0, "franqueadoNome": "sample string 9", "franqueadoCpf": "sample string 10", "responsavel": "sample string 11", "gerenteFranquiaResponsavel": "sample string 12", "gerenteRegiao": "sample string 13", "assessorFabricaResponsavel": "sample string 14", "gerenteGeralVendasNome": "sample string 15", "telefone": "sample string 16", "telefone2": "sample string 17", "telefone3": "sample string 18", "telefone4": "sample string 19", "idIntegracao": "sample string 20", "endereco": "sample string 21", "numero": "sample string 22", "complemento": "sample string 23", "bairro": "sample string 24", "cidade": "sample string 25", "uf": "sample string 26", "cep": "sample string 27", "pontoReferencia": "sample string 28", "percentual": 29, "ativo": 30, "contratoId": "0103c617-2f2d-4e0b-ae51-3bd8890c7edb", "contratoRazaoSocial": "sample string 32", "permiteExclusao": true, "qtdeCircuito": 34, "qtdeCircuitoAtivo": 35, "dataInstalacao": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "dataAtivacao": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "dataModificacao": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "segundoPdv": 37, "codSegundoPdv": "sample string 38", "cnpjSegundoPdv": "sample string 39", "razaoSocialSegundoPdv": "sample string 40", "nomeFantasiaSegundoPdv": "sample string 41", "biometriaFacial": true, "abreDomingo": true, "classificacao": "sample string 44", "statusLoja": "sample string 45", "codigoPontoComercial": "sample string 46", "contrato": { "$id": "4", "id": "1cf7c12f-f684-4bbb-98a7-05f5a2b9e89b", "numero": 2, "documento": "sample string 3", "razaoSocial": "sample string 4", "ativo": 5 }, "diasFuncionamento": [ { "$id": "5", "diaSemana": 0, "minutoInicio": 0, "minutoFim": 0, "horaInicio": "00:00:00", "horaFim": "00:00:00" }, { "$ref": "5" } ], "circuitos": [ { "$ref": "1" }, { "$ref": "1" } ] }, "franquiaNome": "sample string 16", "contratoId": "35860bd7-e8d0-4f90-ab9d-b207d7343a84", "contrato": { "$ref": "4" }, "contratoRazaoSocial": "sample string 18", "bucketId": "5c5579cd-fb4f-4b6b-98c4-b32596291f53", "bucket": { "$id": "6", "id": "cf69dd87-93e9-47d0-a954-337a6eb49bdd", "bucketName": "sample string 2", "isActive": true, "circuitos": [ { "$ref": "1" }, { "$ref": "1" } ], "permiteExclusao": true }, "bucketName": "sample string 20", "pendencia": "sample string 21", "chamadosEmAberto": 22, "updateStatus": 0, "dateLastStatus": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "dateLastFaceDetection": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "descricao": "sample string 23", "ativo": 24, "cnpj": "sample string 25", "idIntegracao": "sample string 26", "razaoSocialFabrica": "sample string 27", "fabrica": "sample string 28", "cameras": [ { "$id": "7", "id": "9c48358c-46c4-49af-9261-6030dcc163b2", "ip": "sample string 2", "description": "sample string 3", "port": 4, "channel": 1, "subtype": 0, "user": "sample string 5", "password": "sample string 6", "rtspId": "8cba2349-a21e-49d9-baab-311ba2b6c4f5", "rtspDescricao": "sample string 8", "rtspFormato": "sample string 9", "isActive": true, "descricaoCircuito": "sample string 11", "descricao": "sample string 12", "porta": 13, "canal": 14, "usuario": "sample string 15", "senha": "sample string 16", "urlRtspPricipal": "sample string 17", "urlRtspSecundario": "sample string 18", "ativo": 19 }, { "$ref": "7" } ], "cofrinhos": [ { "$id": "8", "dia": 1, "mes": 2, "ano": 3, "referencia": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "qtdeCofrinhos": 5, "valorCofrinhos": 6.0, "qtdeVendas": 7, "valorVendas": 8.0, "qtdeTotal": 9, "valorTotal": 10.0, "circuitoId": "c9c45d1f-3d85-41bd-85e0-a9158dbc5234" }, { "$ref": "8" } ], "dataModificacao": "2025-03-14T21:46:21.7737436-03:00", "permiteExclusao": true }, { "$ref": "1" } ]